BitBucket module

Manage projects

# Project list

# Repo list

# Project info

# Create project
bitbucket.create_project(key, name, description="My pretty project")

# Get users who has permission in project
bitbucket.project_users(key, limit=99999, filter_str=None)

# Get project administrators for project

# Get Project Groups
bitbucket.project_groups(key, limit=99999, filter_str=None)

# Get groups with admin permissions

# Project summary

# Check default permission for project
bitbucket.project_default_permissions(project_key, permission)

# Grant default permission for project
bitbucket.project_grant_default_permissions(project_key, permission)

# Grant project permission to a specific user
bitbucket.project_grant_user_permissions(project_key, username, permission)

# Grant project permission to a specific group
bitbucket.project_grant_group_permissions(project_key, group_name, permission)

# Remove default permission for project
bitbucket.project_remove_default_permissions(project_key, permission)

# Remove all project permissions for a specific user
bitbucket.project_remove_user_permissions(project_key, username)

# Remove all project permissions for a specific group
bitbucket.project_remove_group_permissions(project_key, groupname)

Manage repositories

# Get single repository
bitbucket.get_repo(project_key, repository_slug)

# Update single repository
bitbucket.update_repo(project_key, repository_slug, description="Repo description")

# Get labels for a single repository
bitbucket.get_repo_labels(project_key, repository_slug)

# Set label for a single repository
bitbucket.set_repo_label(project_key, repository_slug, label_name)

# Disable branching model
bitbucket.disable_branching_model(project_key, repo_key)

# Enable branching model
bitbucket.enable_branching_model(project_key, repo_key)

# Get branching model
bitbucket.get_branching_model(project_key, repo_key)

# Set branching model
data = {'development': {'refId': None, 'useDefault': True},
        'types': [{'displayName': 'Bugfix',
                   'enabled': True,
                   'id': 'BUGFIX',
                   'prefix': 'bugfix-'},
                  {'displayName': 'Feature',
                   'enabled': True,
                   'id': 'FEATURE',
                   'prefix': 'feature-'},
                  {'displayName': 'Hotfix',
                   'enabled': True,
                   'id': 'HOTFIX',
                   'prefix': 'hotfix-'},
                  {'displayName': 'Release',
                   'enabled': True,
                   'id': 'RELEASE',
                   'prefix': 'release/'}]}
bitbucket.set_branching_model(project_key, repo_key, data)

bitbucket.repo_users(project_key, repo_key, limit=99999, filter_str=None)

bitbucket.repo_groups(project_key, repo_key, limit=99999, filter_str=None)

# Grant repository permission to an specific user
bitbucket.repo_grant_user_permissions(project_key, repo_key, username, permission)

# Grant repository permission to an specific group
bitbucket.repo_grant_group_permissions(project_key, repo_key, groupname, permission)

# Delete a repository (DANGER!)
bitbucket.delete_repo(project_key, repository_slug)

# Fork repo inside same project
fork_repository(project_key, repository_slug, new_repository_slug)

# Fork repo to new project
fork_repository_new_project(project_key, repository_slug, new_project_key, new_repository_slug)

Manage Code Insights

# Delete an existing Code Insights report
bitbucket.delete_code_insights_report(project_key, repository_slug, commit_hash, report_key)

# Create a new Code Insights report
report = {
    'details': 'This is an example report',
    'result': 'FAIL',
    'reporter': 'Anonymous',
    'link': 'http://some-url',
    'logo-url': 'http://some-url',
    'data': [
            'title': 'Example coverage',
            'type': 'PERCENTAGE',
            'value': 85
bitbucket.create_code_insights_report(project_key, repository_slug, commit_hash, report_key, 'Code Insights Report', **report)

# Add annotations to a Code Insights report
annotations = [
    'path': 'some/path/to/file',
    'line': 32,
    'message': 'Roses are red, Violets are blue, Unexpected { on line 32',
    'severity': 'MEDIUM'
bitbucket.add_code_insights_annotations_to_report(project_key, repository_slug, commit_hash, report_key, **annotations)

Groups and admins

# Get groups. Use 'group_filter' parameter to get specific groups.
bitbucket.groups(group_filter="group", limit=99999)

# Get group of members
bitbucket.group_members(group, limit=99999)

# All project administrators

# Get users. Use 'user_filter' parameter to get specific users.
bitbucket.get_users(user_filter="username", limit=25, start=0)

Manage code

# Get repositories list from project
bitbucket.repo_list(project_key, limit=25)

# Create a new repository.
# Requires an existing project in which this repository will be created. The only parameters which will be used
# are name and scmId.
# The authenticated user must have PROJECT_ADMIN permission for the context project to call this resource.
bitbucket.create_repo(project_key, repository, forkable=False, is_private=True)

# Get branches from repo
bitbucket.get_branches(project, repository, filter='', limit=99999, details=True, boost_matches=False)

# Creates a branch using the information provided in the request.
# The authenticated user must have REPO_WRITE permission for the context repository to call this resource.
bitbucket.create_branch(project_key, repository, name, start_point, message)

# Delete branch from related repo
bitbucket.delete_branch(project, repository, name, end_point=None)

# Get pull requests
bitbucket.get_pull_requests(project, repository, state='OPEN', order='newest', limit=100, start=0)

# Get pull request activities
bitbucket.get_pull_requests_activities(project, repository, pull_request_id)

# Get pull request changes
bitbucket.get_pull_requests_changes(project, repository, pull_request_id)

# Get pull request commits
bitbucket.get_pull_requests_commits(project, repository, pull_request_id)

# Add comment into pull request
bitbucket.add_pull_request_comment(project, repository, pull_request_id, text)

# Reply to a comment of a pull request
bitbucket.add_pull_request_comment(project, repository, pull_request_id, text, parent_id=None)

# Get required reviewers for PR creation
bitbucket.get_required_reviewers_for_pull_request(source_project, source_repo, dest_project, dest_repo, source_branch, dest_branch)

# Create a new pull request between two branches.
bitbucket.open_pull_request(source_project, source_repo, dest_project, dest_repo, source_branch, destination_branch, title, description)

# Create a new pull request between two branches with one reviewer
bitbucket.open_pull_request(source_project, source_repo, dest_project, dest_repo, source_branch, destination_branch, title, description, reviewers='name')

# Create a new pull request between two branches with multiple reviewers.
bitbucket.open_pull_request(source_project, source_repo, dest_project, dest_repo, source_branch, destination_branch, title, description, reviewers=['name1', 'name2'])

# Create a new pull request between two branches with required reviewers.
bitbucket.open_pull_request(source_project, source_repo, dest_project, dest_repo, source_branch, destination_branch, title, description, include_required_reviewers=True)

# Delete a pull request
bitbucket.delete_pull_request(project, repository, pull_request_id, pull_request_version)

# Get tags for related repo
bitbucket.get_tags(project, repository, filter='', limit=99999)

# Get project tags
# The authenticated user must have REPO_READ permission for the context repository to call this resource
bitbucket.get_project_tags(project, repository, tag_name)

# Set tag
# The authenticated user must have REPO_WRITE permission for the context repository to call this resource
bitbucket.set_tag(project, repository, tag_name, commit_revision, description=None)

# Delete tag
# The authenticated user must have REPO_WRITE permission for the context repository to call this resource
bitbucket.delete_tag(project, repository, tag_name)

# Get diff
bitbucket.get_diff(project, repository, path, hash_oldest, hash_newest)

# Get commit list from repo
bitbucket.get_commits(project, repository, hash_oldest, hash_newest, limit=99999)

# Get change log between 2 refs
bitbucket.get_changelog(project, repository, ref_from, ref_to, limit=99999)

# Get raw content of the file from repo
bitbucket.get_content_of_file(project, repository, filename, at=None, markup=None)
    Retrieve the raw content for a file path at a specified revision.
    The authenticated user must have REPO_READ permission for the specified repository to call this resource.

Branch permissions

# Set branches permissions
bitbucket.set_branches_permissions(project_key, multiple_permissions=False, matcher_type=None, matcher_value=None, permission_type=None, repository_slug=None, except_users=[], except_groups=[], except_access_keys=[], start=0, limit=25)

# Delete a single branch permission by permission id
bitbucket.delete_branch_permission(project_key, permission_id, repository_slug=None)

# Get a single branch permission by permission id
bitbucket.get_branch_permission(project_key, permission_id, repository_slug=None)

Pull Request management

# Decline pull request
bitbucket.decline_pull_request(project_key, repository, pr_id, pr_version)

# Check if pull request can be merged
bitbucket.is_pull_request_can_be_merged(project_key, repository, pr_id)

# Merge pull request
bitbucket.merge_pull_request(project_key, repository, pr_id, pr_version)

# Reopen pull request
bitbucket.reopen_pull_request(project_key, repository, pr_id, pr_version)

Conditions-Reviewers management

# Get all project conditions with reviewers list for specific project

# Get a project condition with reviewers list for specific project
bitbucket.get_project_condition(project_key, id_condition)

# Create project condition with reviewers for specific project
# :example condition: '{"sourceMatcher":{"id":"any","type":{"id":"ANY_REF"}},"targetMatcher":{"id":"refs/heads/master","type":{"id":"BRANCH"}},"reviewers":[{"id": 12}],"requiredApprovals":"0"}'
bitbucket.create_project_condition(project_key, condition)

# Update a project condition with reviewers for specific project
# :example condition: '{"sourceMatcher":{"id":"any","type":{"id":"ANY_REF"}},"targetMatcher":{"id":"refs/heads/master","type":{"id":"BRANCH"}},"reviewers":[{"id": 12}],"requiredApprovals":"0"}'
bitbucket.update_project_condition(project_key, condition, id_condition)

# Delete a project condition for specific project
bitbucket.delete_project_condition(project_key, id_condition)

# Get all repository conditions with reviewers list for specific repository in project
bitbucket.get_repo_conditions(project_key, repo_key)

# Get repository conditions with reviewers list only only conditions type PROJECT for specific repository in project
bitbucket.get_repo_project_conditions(project_key, repo_key)

# Get repository conditions with reviewers list only conditions type REPOSITORY for specific repository in project
bitbucket.get_repo_repo_conditions(project_key, repo_key)

# Get a project condition with reviewers list for specific repository in project
bitbucket.get_repo_condition(project_key, repo_key, id_condition)

# Create project condition with reviewers for specific repository in project
# :example condition: '{"sourceMatcher":{"id":"any","type":{"id":"ANY_REF"}},"targetMatcher":{"id":"refs/heads/master","type":{"id":"BRANCH"}},"reviewers":[{"id": 12}],"requiredApprovals":"0"}'
bitbucket.create_repo_condition(project_key, repo_key, condition)

# Update a project condition with reviewers for specific repository in project
# :example condition: '{"sourceMatcher":{"id":"any","type":{"id":"ANY_REF"}},"targetMatcher":{"id":"refs/heads/master","type":{"id":"BRANCH"}},"reviewers":[{"id": 12}],"requiredApprovals":"0"}'
bitbucket.update_repo_condition(project_key, repo_key, condition, id_condition)

# Delete a project condition for specific repository in project
bitbucket.delete_repo_condition(project_key, repo_key, id_condition)

Bitbucket Cloud

# Get a list of workplaces:

# Get a single workplace by workplace slug
workplace = cloud.workspaces.get(workspace_slug)

# Get a list of permissions in a workspace (this may not work depending on the size of your workspace)

# Get a list of repository permissions in a workspace (this may not work depending on the size of your workspace)

# Get a single repository permissions in a workspace

# Get a list of projects in a workspace

# Get a single project from a workplace by project key
project = workplace.projects.get(project_key)

# Get a list of repos from a project

# Get a repository
repository = workplace.repositories.get(repository_slug)

# Get a list of deployment environments from a repository

# Get a single deployment environment from a repository by deployment environment key
deployment_environment = repository.deployment_environments.get(deployment_environment_key)

# Get a list of deployment environment variables from a deployment environment
deployment_environment_variables = deployment_environment.deployment_environment_variables.each():

# Create a new deployment environment variable with a name of 'KEY', value of 'VALUE' and is not secured.
new_deployment_environment_variable = deployment_environment.deployment_environment_variables.create("KEY", "VALUE", False)

# Update the 'key' field of repository_variable
updated_deployment_environment_variable = new_deployment_environment_variable.update(key="UPDATED_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_KEY")

# Update the 'value' field of repository_variable
updated_deployment_environment_variable = new_deployment_environment_variable.update(value="UPDATED_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_VALUE")

# Delete deployment environment variable

# Get a list of group permissions from a repository

# Get a single group permission from a repository by group slug

# Get a list of repository variables from a repository

# Get a single repository variable from a repository by repository variable key
repository_variable = repository.repository_variables.get(repository_variable_key)

# Create a new repository variable with a name of 'KEY', value of 'VALUE' and is not secured.
new_repository_variable = repository.repository_variables.create("KEY", "VALUE", False)

# Update the 'key' field of repository_variable
updated_repository_variable = repository_variable.update(key="UPDATED_REPOSITORY_VARIABLE_KEY")

# Update the 'value' field of repository_variable
updated_repository_variable = repository_variable.update(value="UPDATED_REPOSITORY_VARIABLE_VALUE")

# Delete repository_variable

# Get a list of hooks from a repository

# Create a hook for a repository
hook  = repo.hooks.create(url="endpoint-url", description="description", active=True, events=["a-repository-event"])

# Get a single hook for a repository
hook = repo.hooks.get("a-webhook-id")

# Update a specific hook for a repository
hook.update(url="endpoint-url", description="description", active=True, events=["a-repository-event"])

# Delete a speicifc hook for a repository

# Get a list of workspace members

# Get a specific workspace member

Pipelines management

# Object oriented:
    # Get the repository first
    r = cloud.workspaces.get(workspace).repositories.get(repository)

    # Get first ten Pipelines results for repository

    # Get twenty last Pipelines results for repository
    r.pipelines.each(sort="-created_on", pagelen=20)

    # Trigger default Pipeline on the latest revision of the master branch

    # Trigger default Pipeline on the latest revision of the develop branch

    # Trigger default Pipeline on a specific revision of the develop branch
    r.pipelines.trigger(branch="develop", revision="<40-char hash>")

    # Trigger specific Pipeline on a specific revision of the master branch
    r.pipelines.trigger(revision="<40-char hash>", name="style-check")

    # Trigger specific Pipeline of the master branch with specific variables
    r.pipelines.trigger(name="style-check", variables=[{ "key": "var-name", "value": "var-value" }])

    # Get specific Pipeline by UUID
    pl = r.pipelines.get("{7d6c327d-6336-4721-bfeb-c24caf25045c}")

    # Stop specific Pipeline by UUID

    # Get steps of Pipeline specified by UUID

    # Get step of Pipeline specified by UUIDs
    s = pl.step("{56d2d8af-6526-4813-a22c-733ec6ecabf3}")

    # Get log of step of Pipeline specified by UUIDs

# or function oriented:
    # Get most recent Pipelines results for repository
    bitbucket.get_pipelines(workspace, repository)

    # Trigger default Pipeline on the latest revision of the master branch
    bitbucket.trigger_pipeline(workspace, repository)

    # Trigger default Pipeline on the latest revision of the develop branch
    bitbucket.trigger_pipeline(workspace, repository, branch="develop")

    # Trigger default Pipeline on a specific revision of the develop branch
    bitbucket.trigger_pipeline(workspace, repository, branch="develop", revision="<40-char hash>")

    # Trigger specific Pipeline on a specific revision of the master branch
    bitbucket.trigger_pipeline(workspace, repository, revision="<40-char hash>", name="style-check")

    # Get specific Pipeline by UUID
    bitbucket.get_pipeline(workspace, repository, "{7d6c327d-6336-4721-bfeb-c24caf25045c}")

    # Stop specific Pipeline by UUID
    bitbucket.stop_pipeline(workspace, repository, "{7d6c327d-6336-4721-bfeb-c24caf25045c}")

    # Get steps of Pipeline specified by UUID
    bitbucket.get_pipeline_steps(workspace, repository, "{7d6c327d-6336-4721-bfeb-c24caf25045c}")

    # Get step of Pipeline specified by UUIDs
    bitbucket.get_pipeline_step(workspace, repository, "{7d6c327d-6336-4721-bfeb-c24caf25045c}", "{56d2d8af-6526-4813-a22c-733ec6ecabf3}")

    # Get log of step of Pipeline specified by UUIDs
    bitbucket.get_pipeline_step_log(workspace, repository, "{7d6c327d-6336-4721-bfeb-c24caf25045c}", "{56d2d8af-6526-4813-a22c-733ec6ecabf3}")

Manage issues

# Object oriented:
    # Get the repository first
    r = cloud.workspaces.get(workspace).repositories.get(repository)

    # Get all tracked issues

    # Get all unassigned issues and sort them by priority
    r.issues.get(sort_by="priority", query='assignee = null')

    # Create a new issue of kind 'enhancement' and priority 'minor'
    r.issues.create("New idea", "How about this", kind="enhancement", priority="minor")

    # Update the 'priority' field of the issue 42
    r.issues.get(42).priority = "blocker"

    # Mark issue 42 as resolved
    r.issues.get(42).state = "resolved"

    # Get information about issue 1
    i = r.issues.get(1)

    # Delete issue 123

# or function oriented:
    # Get all tracked issues
    bitbucket.get_issues(workspace, repository)

    # Get all unassigned issues and sort them by priority
    bitbucket.get_issues(workspace, repository, sort_by="priority", query='assignee = null')

    # Create a new issue
    bitbucket.create_issue(workspace, repository, "The title", "The description")

    # Create a new issue of kind 'enhancement' and priority 'minor'
    bitbucket.create_issue(workspace, repository, "New idea", "How about this", kind="enhancement", priority="minor")

    # Update the 'priority' field of the issue 42
    bitbucket.update_issue(workspace, repository, 42, priority="blocker")

    # Mark issue 42 as resolved
    bitbucket.update_issue(workspace, repository, 42, state="resolved")

    # Get information about issue 1
    bitbucket.get_issue(workspace, repository, 1)

    # Delete issue 123
    bitbucket.delete_issue(workspace, repository, 123)