Confluence module¶
Get page info¶
# Check page exists
# type of the page, 'page' or 'blogpost'. Defaults to 'page'
confluence.page_exists(space, title, type=None)
# Provide content by type (page, blog, comment)
confluence.get_page_child_by_type(page_id, type='page', start=None, limit=None, expand=None)
# Provide content id from search result by title and space
confluence.get_page_id(space, title)
# Provide space key from content id
# Returns the list of labels on a piece of Content
confluence.get_page_by_title(space, title, start=None, limit=None)
# Get page by ID
# Example request URI(s):
# page_id: Content ID
# status: (str) list of Content statuses to filter results on. Default value: [current]
# version: (int)
# expand: OPTIONAL: A comma separated list of properties to expand on the content.
# Default value: history,space,version
# We can also specify some extensions such as extensions.inlineProperties
# (for getting inline comment-specific properties) or extensions.resolution
# for the resolution status of each comment in the results
confluence.get_page_by_id(page_id, expand=None, status=None, version=None)
# The list of labels on a piece of Content
confluence.get_page_labels(page_id, prefix=None, start=None, limit=None)
# Get draft page by ID
confluence.get_draft_page_by_id(page_id, status='draft')
# Get all page by label
confluence.get_all_pages_by_label(label, start=0, limit=50, expand=None)
# Get all pages from Space
# content_type can be 'page' or 'blogpost'. Defaults to 'page'
# expand is a comma separated list of properties to expand on the content.
# max limit is 100. For more you have to loop over start values.
confluence.get_all_pages_from_space(space, start=0, limit=100, status=None, expand=None, content_type='page')
# Get list of pages from trash
confluence.get_all_pages_from_space_trash(space, start=0, limit=500, status='trashed', content_type='page')
# Get list of draft pages from space
# Use case is cleanup old drafts from Confluence
confluence.get_all_draft_pages_from_space(space, start=0, limit=500, status='draft')
# Search list of draft pages by space key
# Use case is cleanup old drafts from Confluence
confluence.get_all_draft_pages_from_space_through_cql(space, start=0, limit=500, status='draft')
# Info about all restrictions by operation
Page actions¶
# Create page from scratch
confluence.create_page(space, title, body, parent_id=None, type='page', representation='storage', editor='v2', full_width=False)
# This method removes a page, if it has recursive flag, method removes including child pages
confluence.remove_page(page_id, status=None, recursive=False)
# Remove any content
# Remove page from trash
# Remove page as draft
# Update page if already exist
confluence.update_page(page_id, title, body, parent_id=None, type='page', representation='storage', minor_edit=False, full_width=False)
# Update page or create page if it is not exists
confluence.update_or_create(parent_id, title, body, representation='storage', full_width=False)
# Append body to page if already exist
confluence.append_page(page_id, title, append_body, parent_id=None, type='page', representation='storage', minor_edit=False)
# Set the page (content) property e.g. add hash parameters
confluence.set_page_property(page_id, data)
# Delete the page (content) property e.g. delete key of hash
confluence.delete_page_property(page_id, page_property)
# Move page
confluence.move_page(space_key, page_id, target_title, position="append")
# Get the page (content) property e.g. get key of hash
confluence.get_page_property(page_id, page_property_key)
# Get the page (content) properties
# Get page ancestors
# Attach (upload) a file to a page, if it exists it will update the
# automatically version the new file and keep the old one
# content_type is default to "application/binary"
confluence.attach_file(filename, name=None, content_type=None, page_id=None, title=None, space=None, comment=None)
# Attach (upload) a content to a page, if it exists it will update the
# automatically version the new file and keep the old one
# content_type is default to "application/binary"
confluence.attach_content(content, name=None, content_type=None, page_id=None, title=None, space=None, comment=None)
# Download attachments from a page to local system. If path is None, current working directory will be used.
confluence.download_attachments_from_page(page_id, path=None)
# Remove completely a file if version is None or delete version
confluence.delete_attachment(page_id, filename, version=None)
# Remove completely a file if version is None or delete version
confluence.delete_attachment_by_id(attachment_id, version)
# Keep last versions
confluence.remove_page_attachment_keep_version(page_id, filename, keep_last_versions)
# Get attachment history
confluence.get_attachment_history(attachment_id, limit=200, start=0)
# Get attachment for content
confluence.get_attachments_from_content(page_id, start=0, limit=50, expand=None, filename=None, media_type=None)
# Check has unknown attachment error on page
# Export page as PDF
# api_version needs to be set to 'cloud' when exporting from Confluence Cloud
# Set a label on the page
confluence.set_page_label(page_id, label)
# Delete Confluence page label
confluence.remove_page_label(page_id, label)
# Add comment into page
confluence.add_comment(page_id, text)
# Fetch tables from Confluence page
# Get regex matches from Confluence page
confluence.scrap_regex_from_page(page_id, regex)
Confluence Whiteboards¶
# Create new whiteboard - cloud only
confluence.create_whiteboard(spaceId, title=None, parentId=None)
# Delete existing whiteboard - cloud only
# Get whiteboard by id - cloud only!
Template actions¶
# Updating a content template
template_id = "<string>"
name = "<string>"
body = {"value": "<string>", "representation": "view"}
template_type = "page"
description = "<string>"
labels = [{"prefix": "<string>", "name": "<string>", "id": "<string>", "label": "<string>"}]
space = "<key_string>"
confluence.create_or_update_template(name, body, template_type, template_id, description, labels, space)
# Creating a new content template
name = "<string>"
body = {"value": "<string>", "representation": "view"}
template_type = "page"
description = "<string>"
labels = [{"prefix": "<string>", "name": "<string>", "id": "<string>", "label": "<string>"}]
space = "<key_string>"
confluence.create_or_update_template(name, body, template_type, description=description, labels=labels, space=space)
# Get a template by its ID
# Get all global content templates
# Get content templates in a space
# Get all global blueprint templates
# Get all blueprint templates in a space
# Removing a template
Get spaces info¶
# Get all spaces with provided limit
# additional info, e.g. metadata, icon, description, homepage
confluence.get_all_spaces(start=0, limit=500, expand=None)
# Get information about a space through space key
confluence.get_space(space_key, expand='description.plain,homepage')
# Get space content (configuring by the expand property)
confluence.get_space_content(space_key, depth="all", start=0, limit=500, content_type=None, expand="")
# Get Space permissions set based on json-rpc call
# Get Space export download url
confluence.get_space_export(space_key, export_type)
Users and Groups¶
# Get all groups from Confluence User management
confluence.get_all_groups(start=0, limit=1000)
# Get a paginated collection of users in the given group
confluence.get_group_members(group_name='confluence-users', start=0, limit=1000)
# Get information about a user through username
confluence.get_user_details_by_username(username, expand=None)
# Get information about a user through user key
confluence.get_user_details_by_userkey(userkey, expand=None)
# Change a user's password
confluence.change_user_password(username, password)
# Change calling user's password
confluence.change_my_password(oldpass, newpass)
# Get results from cql search result with all related fields
confluence.cql(cql, start=0, limit=None, expand=None, include_archived_spaces=None, excerpt=None)
Other actions¶
# Clean all caches from cache management
# Clean caches from cache management
# e.g.
# com.gliffy.cache.gon
# org.hibernate.cache.internal.StandardQueryCache_v5
# Convert to Confluence XHTML format from wiki style
# Get page history
# Get content history by version number
confluence.get_content_history_by_version_number(content_id, version_number)
# Remove content history. It works as experimental method
confluence.remove_content_history(page_id, version_number)
# Compare content and check is already updated or not
confluence.is_page_content_is_already_updated(page_id, body)
# Add inline task setting checkbox method
confluence.set_inline_tasks_checkbox(page_id, task_id, status)